10 Things That People with Strong Self-Esteem Do


10 Things That People with Strong Self-Esteem Do

Self-esteem is a mental state associated with the opinion about yourself. This self-image is crucial because on its basis, we select the partner, make purchasing decisions, perform certain activities – it determines the quality of life and how far we’ll get. This sense is being built – and as always, we focus on giving you the tools to learn this. Here are 10 things that people with strong self-esteem do.


  1. Rely on facts

Not on opinions, not judgments, but the truth. Their points of reference are measurable facts, not their own hidden business or attempt to manipulate others. When making a decision, ask yourself a question: is it based on facts?


  1. Have good contact with reality

People with strong self-esteem observe the world: others, family, competition, people and environment. With empathy, understanding the trends, environmental awareness, they are able to make better decisions and realise that they are part of these systems. Therefore, ask yourself: what happens in reality with which I am currently in?

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  1. Remain true to themselves

What they feel, think, reflect, what intuition tells them, is a reference point when making decisions. People with high self-esteem do not choose others over themselves to gain seeming acceptance, but they are true to themselves. Operating question: what do I feel and think about it?


  1. Reasonable approach to the emotions

Every emotion distorts perception and regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it always makes you see the world through the prism of this emotion – if, lets say, you are sad, your brain will be paying more attention to the fact of standing in a traffic jam or a long day at work. The same experience in a state of joy will be interpreted differently (“Hurray, I’m going home”) or omitted. Therefore, do not make decisions under the influence of emotions and do not identify with them. Instead, watch them and do not judge them.


  1. Make independent decisions

As there is no one who is more competent than yourself when it comes to decisions which concern you, the key is the independence in making them.  Then success builds your own self-esteem, and for failures, the responsibility is taken and conclusions from them are made. Both issues give efficacy and lead to be the architect of your own fate.


  1. Do things for others

Every human problem exists in terms of scale and regardless of culture, gender or age, they are empirically identical. Rejection hurts a Brazilian the same as well as a Pole, betrayal hurts a man as much as a woman. The only difference is the extent of how you want to solve the problem. If you want to handle this on your own, you will possibly be the only client of this emotional gain; if you share it with others, you save them problems; and if you tell the world (macroscale), your audience will be greater. Question: How can I solve the problem a billion people have?


  1. Think big

The bigger the problem, the more you learn; we do not learn from the successes (these indicate that we are moving in the right direction only), but from the failures. Therefore, taking on big problems brings the biggest development: the confrontation of fears, gives the strength, the motivation builds the will, the conclusions are valueable for others who are beginning to choose you as a leader, because you can do things that they do not know how, and which they need. What problems are Poles suffering from?


  1. Do not live the life of others

They are not ‘hating’, they are not concerned about what others think of them, they do not compare themselves to others (but get inspired by them), they do not waste time arguing and proving people wrong, they do not run away from life, are not interested in gossip or empty emotion. They focus on themselves because with their own development, they are able to serve others.  They are guided by the questions: What do I want to achieve? How can I change the world? What do I feel?


  1. Always learn

The world is changing and they are more intelligent than ever. What used to work then is now not enough. What was good before, is not anymore. These people change to fulfil their potential, rather than stand still and fight the inevitable abandonment. Sticking to known limits is after all, the wisdom of waiting for a different perception of reality, rather than the previous ones.


  1. Create themselves

It is the only way to self-realisation. They go beyond the world of cultural restrictions, cut the cords as adults and create their own life. They learn the principles of systems in which they operate, and use them to build themselves and become the architects of their own destiny. The only destiny is their own plans, karma refers to reality, the God’s judgments is their own will, they define the situations that they encounter. People with self-esteem constantly ask what they must do in order to realise the meaning of their own life.

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