The research carried out by CarrerBuilder – the world leader in the field of human resources – showed that 71% of employers in USA values EQ more that IQ. Employers will choose people with emotional intelligence three times more often.…
5 character features of Polish mentality which limit our potential
One day a Pole drives a car and suddenly, somebody cuts him off. The Pole thinks ‘What a moron!’ He speeds up to check it out. He drives up, looks daggers at the other driver and checks him out. ‘Indeed,…
The 7 invisible things of the 21st century that you are probably addicted to
Antismoking campaigns are nothing unusual these days, and even children know that smoking is bad for their health, kills and causes cancer. Alcohol is known to be dangerous. In Poland alone, consumption of strong alcoholic beverages is falling (according to…
The 25 things you must give up if you want to be more effective and happier
The truth is that there you can choose to do nothing. But if you choose to do the things, the quality of your emotional life will improve considerably. The following is a list of the twenty-five things that cause a…
The 10 problems you have but don’t have to have
A man comes to see a doctor, takes a seat and starts hitting his knee with his fingers. After a while, the patient says: “Doctor, it hurts when I’m hitting my knee like this!” The doctor replies: “Didn’t it occur…
The ten psychological and sociological trends to revolutionise the business world in the years to come
It is estimated that about 70% of all purchasing decisions are made according to so-called social norms, or other people’s decisions. It means that most of the choices cus-tomers make have little to do with what them themselves or their…
The 17 marketing tricks about food you still fall for. How not to fall for them?
The use of psychology techniques in food marketing has been known for a long time and is a common practice. The idea behind it is simple: to encourage customers to consume even more. And as long as customers know what…